Desktop Computer Setup (2024)

To ensure security during MAP Growth testing, students on Windows or Mac desktops use a secure browser from NWEA. This browser restricts access to outside resources. You will download the browser from NWEA, and then install or distribute it to each computer.

The tasks are:

  • Computer user accounts for testing
  • Desktop Computer Setup
  • Windows setup or Mac setup
  • Checking desktop computer readiness for testing

Desktop Computer Setup (1)

Local vs. Network—The secure browser should run on each computer locally. Do not run it from a server because testing will be too slow. However, you can install or distribute the browser over the network.

Update Frequency—If updates are required for the NWEA browsers, they typically occur during summer, ahead of the standard school year. However, there may be optional upgrades available mid-year to support new versions of operating systems or browsers.

Computer user accounts for testing

As a best practice, create a dedicated computer user account for use during MAP Growth testing and apply the following account settings. In fact, you may want two accounts: one with accessibility features disabled and a separate account for those students who need accessibility features enabled. Choose the option that best fits your student population. Set up the account (or accounts) in your Windows or Mac group policy.

Alternatively, you could temporarily apply the following settings to your standard student accounts.

User account settings

  • Disable virus and malware scanners because they can interfere with testing.
  • Prevent screen savers because they can interfere with testing.
  • Disable automatic updates to software and the operating system.
  • Disable system notifications, such as email alerts.

  • Extend the time for power-saving sleep mode to at least 30 minutes.
  • Disable any pop-up blocker software tools.
  • Disable assistants like Siri and Cortana, as well as voice dictation.
  • Disable screen readers that are not supported, such as ChromeVox and VoiceOver. Only use JAWS® 2021,2022, or 2023 for those students who need it—see Screen Reader Guidelines.

Access the new secure testing browser applications

To download the latest secure testing browsers and apps, visit Technical Resources in NWEA Connection.

Windows setup

To install individually on a PC:

  1. Visit the NWEA Connection Technical Resources page.

  2. Download the MAP Growth PC Secure Browser. It includes an installation program.

  3. Either run the installation at the download prompt, or save the file and then double-click the downloaded file, located here by default:

    /Downloads/Setup Lockdown Browser.exe
  4. If prompted, Remove the previous version.
  5. When prompted, accept the default installation directory or choose another location.

  6. To start the NWEA browser, look for the following icon on the computer desktop:

    Desktop Computer Setup (2)

To check the installed version:

If you encounter issues, contact NWEAsupport, and let them know the version number of the installed NWEA browser. On the PC, launch NWEA Secure Testing Browser from the Start menu and type:Ctrl+Alt+V.

To push installation over the network:

Network vs. Local—Although you can push the browser executable over your network, the executable itself should run on each computer locally. Do not run the executable from a server because testing will be too slow.

The following steps require administrator privileges:

  1. Visit the NWEA Connection Technical Resources page.
  2. Download the MAP Growth PC Secure Browser.

  3. At the download prompt, save the file, located here by default:

    My Documents/Downloads/Setup Lockdown Browser.exe
  4. At a command prompt, change to the download directory.
  5. Choose the installer that works best with your software deployment tool, and then continue with the appropriate step:
    1. Option A = NWEA installer
    2. Option B = Microsoft Installer Package (MSI), together with your software deployment tool (not compatible with the Microsoft Group Policy Object tool)
  6. Option A:To use the NWEA installer, use this syntax in your software deployment tool:

    "setup lockdown browser.exe" /v/qn

    Note:There's no space in the parameter /v/qn. You can also choose to run in silent mode by adding the /s parameter, which prevents the installation prompts:

    "setup lockdown browser.exe" /v/qn /s
  7. Option B:To use the MSIpackage, first extract it from the download.
    1. At a command prompt, change to the download directory and type the extraction command:

      "setup lockdown browser.exe"/b"./
    2. Cancel the InstallShield prompt.
    3. Use this syntax in your software deployment tool (not compatible with the Microsoft Group Policy Object tool):

      MSIExec /i "NWEA Secure Testing Browser.msi" /qb ALLUSERS="1"

      Note:If you are overriding an existing installation, first uninstall the Lockdown Browser:

      MSIExec /x "NWEA Secure Testing Browser.msi" /qb ALLUSERS="1"

Mac setup

You can set up the NWEA secure browser one device at a time or through a device management tool (see Option2:Distribute across the network).

Note:The setup includes steps to grant permission for accessibility settings on the device (under the Security &Privacy settings). These steps are needed to suppress keyboard shortcuts during testing.

Option1:Set up one device at a time

  1. Open the .dmg file you downloaded.

  2. Drag the NWEASecure Testing Browser icon into the Applications folder.

    Desktop Computer Setup (3)

    Note:If prompted, choose to overwrite any existing files with the same name.

  3. For other Mac devices, you can save a step by copying the NWEA Secure Testing Browser app from the Applications folder on this device to same folder on other devices.

    Alternatively, if you have automated tools, you could push the app across the network.

Initial start and Mac settings

In the following steps, you will grant permission to suppress keyboard shortcuts under the accessibility settings.

Note:These steps require administrator privilege on the device.

  1. Start the NWEA Secure Testing
  2. If you receive the following message, click Open to allow it.

    Desktop Computer Setup (4)

  3. At the following prompt, click Open System Preferences.

    Desktop Computer Setup (5)

  4. In the Security &Privacy window, click the lock icon, enter your user password, and then select the NWEA Secure Testing Browser app:

    Desktop Computer Setup (6)

    Note:If the app was already selected, you probably have an older version that you must first disable. Select the NWEA app and click the minus button. Close the window and repeat these steps.

  5. Close the Security & Privacy window.
  6. Restart the NWEA Secure Testing to ensure all the prompts are dismissed.

Option2:Distribute across the network

These example instructions are based on the device management tool Jamf®.

Prepare package file

The .dmg file from NWEA will not install over a network, so you must convert the .dmg file into a package file (.pkg). In Jamf, you would use the Composer tool. Once the package is ready, add it to your distribution point.

Prepare configuration profile

To automatically grant access to required device settings, you need to create and distribute a configuration profile. An easy way to create the configuration profile is using the Privacy Preferences Policy Control (PPPC) Utility.

  1. Download the PPPC utility from Github:

  2. Open the PPPC Utility on a computer with the NWEAsecure browser installed.
  3. Drag the NWEA Secure Testing to the left column labeled Applications in the PPPC Utility.
  4. Under Properties, change Accessibility to Allow.

    Desktop Computer Setup (7)

  5. Click Save.
  6. Upload the saved profile to the Configuration Profiles section in Jamf.

Checking desktop computer readiness for testing

Check each computer to ensure it is ready for MAP Growth testing. Allow time after checking the computers to resolve any issues before the first day of testing.

First, check that you have the most recent version of the NWEA Secure Testing Browser installed.

To check the version on Windows:

If you have previously installed the testing browser, you can check the version number by starting the browser and typing: Ctrl+Alt+V. You can also use the following steps:

  1. Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\NWEA\NWEA Secure Testing Browser (newer computers) or C:\Program Files\NWEA\NWEA Secure Testing Browser (older computers).

  2. Right-click on the file NWEA Secure Testing Browser.

  3. Select Properties.

  4. Select the Details tab. File Version is listed under Description.

To check the version on Mac:

  1. Open the Finder and click on Applications.

  2. Navigate to NWEA Secure Testing and click once to highlight it.

  3. Check the application details on the right. The version number is at the bottom of the list.

To check a student computer for readiness:

  1. Click the following icon on the computer desktop:

    Desktop Computer Setup (8)

  2. Observe one of these results:
    • Success: The Join Session page appears.
    • Failure: The page identifies the computer components that failed. Make a note identifying the computer and its failing components.

  3. Close the browser by clicking the "X" in the upper right corner.
  4. Resolve all failures or report them to your device manager.
Desktop Computer Setup (2024)


What is desktop computer answers? ›

A desktop computer is a personal computing device designed to fit on top of a typical office desk. It houses the physical hardware that makes a computer run and connects to input devices such as the monitor, keyboard and mouse users interact with.

How to set up a desktop computer step by step? ›

Basic setup process for new computers
  1. Connect your PC to a power supply and boot using the power button.
  2. Connect keyboard and other peripherals using a USB port, Midi port or Bluetooth connection.
  3. If using a wired internet connection, connect via Ethernet cable. If using a wireless connection, connect via WiFi router.

What do I need to setup a PC? ›

The main parts that you'll need are:
  1. Motherboard.
  2. Processor (CPU)
  3. Storage (hard drive or SSD)
  4. Memory (RAM)
  5. Case.
  6. Fans.
  7. Power supply.

Can I hire someone to set up my computer? ›

A professional tech will come to you and set up your computer: transfer your Microsoft Office, move your iTunes library over, sync your iPhone or other mobile devices, transfer your programs, show you where to find all of your files, and teach you how to use the new operating system.

What is desktop short answers? ›

A desktop is a computer display area that represents the kinds of objects found on top of a physical desk, including documents, phone books, telephones, reference sources, writing and drawing tools, and project folders.

What is the computer answer? ›

A computer is an electronic machine that processes raw data to give information as output. An electronic device that accepts data as input, and transforms it under the influence of a set of special instructions called Programs, to produce the desired output (referred to as Information).

How do I set up a new computer for the first time? ›

So here's our checklist:
  1. Power. ...
  2. Everything is in the right place. ...
  3. Protecting from scratches. ...
  4. Next, update your OS (and optionally re-partition) ...
  5. Time for security software. ...
  6. Install your favorite browser. ...
  7. Make sure you install an antivirus. ...
  8. Clean all the bloatware/crapware.

What are the 5 steps of starting a computer? ›

Basic steps are:
  • The start-up.
  • Power On Self Test.
  • Loading OS.
  • System Configuration.
  • Loading system utilities.
  • User authentication.

How to learn computer step by step? ›

Here's how to learn to use a computer:
  1. Visit your local library. When learning how to use a computer, consider visiting your local library. ...
  2. Understand computer basics. ...
  3. Take additional classes. ...
  4. Buy your own computer. ...
  5. Use assistive technology. ...
  6. Set attainable goals. ...
  7. Learn basic troubleshooting tips.
Jun 28, 2024

How do I turn on my desktop computer? ›

Turning on a computer

To do this, locate and press the power button. It's in a different place on every computer, but it will have the universal power button symbol (shown below). Once turned on, your computer takes time before it's ready to use. You may see a few different displays flash on the screen.

What is the average cost of a computer setup? ›

Summarizing the PC Setup Cost

A good setup ranges from $1,000 to $4,000 typically, though less expensive options exist for those with budget constraints. While relatively more energy-consuming, gaming PCs provide unmatched entertainment and gaming experiences.

How do you set up a computer for an older person? ›

Setting up a new PC? 5 must-do steps for seniors
  1. Make sure it's protected. ...
  2. Disable unnecessary Startup programs. ...
  3. Uninstall bloatware and other software that's not needed. ...
  4. Adjust magnifier settings/size of text. ...
  5. Ease of Access/Accessibility overview.
Feb 21, 2023

Who can come to my home to set up my computer? ›

If you're planning on purchasing a new computer or printer for your home but don't feel like dealing with the hassle of getting it all set up – or don't know how to – the team at NerdsToGo® is ready to assist you. We are an IT support team that can assist you with just about any internet-connected device.

What is the desktop on a computer? ›

Desktop refers to the main screen of the computer. It is the first screen you see after logging in. The desktop's appearance can vary widely because it is highly customizable, but generally desktops will feature a large image, icons, and a taskbar (covered later on this page).

What is desktop one word answer? ›

1. : the top surface of a desk. also : an area or window on a computer screen in which icons are arranged in a manner analogous to objects on top of a desk. 2. : a desktop computer.

What is a desktop computer quizlet? ›

Also known as workstations or PCs, desktops are computer systems that are small enough to on, under, or near a desk.

What is a desktop computer also known as? ›

A desktop computer is also known as a personal computer. Desktop computer. A desktop computer is a PC (personal computer) meant for daily use at a specific location. A desktop computer is also known as a personal computer.

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Author: Trent Wehner

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.